Preventing Colic in Cold Weather
Unfortunately, a decrease in the temperature can mean an increased risk for colic, specifically impaction colic. Impaction colic is when...

Your "Scratches" How-To
With all the wet weather we've had over the past couple of months, skin problems have been a big topic of conversation with our clients....

Microchipping - FAQs
With our recent hurricanes, it has been a good reminder of the importance of microchipping your horses. Microchipping is the best form of...

Coggins, the bane of horse owners' existence
It's the same deal every year. You're getting ready to leave for an event, then you realize your Coggins test is out of date. Or you've...

So Your Horse Has a Cough...
Heaves is a persistent condition that affects the lungs of horses. It is a similar condition to COPD in people. It occurs due to an...

All choked up?
What is choke? In horses, choke is a condition that occurs when food or some other material becomes stuck in the esophagus. The term...

Toxic Plant of the Summer: Pokeweed!
Summer is the time of year we always see pokeweed growing everywhere throughout the Grand Strand. You can't miss it. It's big. It's got a...

Disease Profile: Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (Phew....)
Name: Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis (EOTRH) Species: Equine (although cats and humans get a similar...

Disease Profile: Meningeal Worm (Ruminants)
Name: Deer Worm, or Meningeal Worm, or Moose Sickness Species: Goats, sheep, llamas, alpacas, camels, moose, and some exotic hoofstock....

Ten Tips for Preventing Colic
The number one killer of horses is colic. Colic is not a disease, but rather a combination of signs that alert us to abdominal pain in...